The Auragen™ System increases mental energy and focus. Experience a marked improvement in cognitive performance and memory, based on the newest discoveries in neuroscience.
You don’t have to settle for treatments that may not work, supplements that have difficulty crossing the blood-brain barrier, or internet memory games to improve your cognitive function. Marketing gimmicks flood the internet when it comes to the human mind and brain. If you’re trying to increase your mental energy, you need to help bring back the natural, peak processing performance and focused concentration that 40hz synchronized Gamma can deliver. Don’t just take a pill and wait to see if something happens, use a proven science.
If you want to maximize your mental performance, The Auragen Light and Sound System can help your brain work better. Whether you’re trying to optimize your memory retention, increase energy, and reduce stress, then Auragen provides a natural solution.
People of all ages are looking for ways to upgrade the brain and body, natural ways to enhance cognitive ability, and experience optimal wellness. If you are looking to achieve peak performance, improve concentration and memory retention, increase energy, and reduce stress, then Auragen provides solutions.
Major University Findings
When synchronized Gamma Light and Sound are used it causes the brain to mimic this frequency and enter into natural high concentration and focused state. When combined with Photobiomodulationn these beneficial effects are observed:
* Activation of Microglia (Plaque Cleanup)
* Enhanced Mitochondrial Function (ATP Energy)
* Improved Circulation in the Brain (Nutrients)
* Neuronal Development (Circuitry Repair)
Real Solutions are Rare
Some supplements promise results but can’t quite deliver, due to the blood-brain barrier. Therapies can be costly and require frequent visits to doctors. In contrast, Auragen combines proven technologies that are safe, drug-free, and effective.
Auragen’s combination of synchronized (visual and auditory) Gamma with advanced Photobiomodulation empowers you to improve cognitive performance all with the convenience and ease of home use… as much as you need and whenever you want!
“I previously owned and used the earlier model of the light box called the “Dream Spa,” which did not include Gamma flicker. That model was also a godsend in its own right for me, really improving my ability to get to sleep and really helping with my general energy, resilience, and my ability to “let stress bounce off of me.” I also found that if stress built up over time, the Dream Spa helped me become aware of it. If I used the light any time after midafternoon, I could fall very deeply asleep almost immediately, awaking a short time later incredibly refreshed.
There’s a significant change, at least for me, using Auragen, the new model with Gamma flicker. I believe the biggest change comes in the form of mental sharpness. The interesting thing about this is, that I didn’t really feel that I had that much of a problem with mental acuity or with being “on top of it” before using Gamma flicker. With Gamma flicker in general I notice things more. I notice a lot more of what I have been missing or what I had been putting so far to the side, that it became problematic. Now I am keeping things mentally “within reach”, during my very busy day. By having more immediate access, I am able to remember better, both generally and specifically.
Projects, responsibilities, and goals no longer slip completely out of mind for such a long period that I remember when it’s too late. I remember a lot more detail, I have more confidence that comes with that.”
-- P.A. Bay Area, California